Le Center Business Directory

Doing business in the City of Le Center? Add your business to the City's Online Business Directory (OBD). The City or contractors seeking partners/teams use this directory when seeking companies for work. Also, the City uses this list to distribute news about City business.

Home  >   Businesses  >   Business Directory
Le Center Business Directory
Doing business in the City of Le Center? Add your business to the City's Online Business Directory (OBD). The City or contractors seeking partners/teams use this directory when seeking companies for work. Also, the City uses this list to distribute news about City business.

Frequent Questions

What does it mean to register with the City?
It is a simple process where you provide us basic information about your company. After we verify the information provided, we include it into the City's OBD.

What kind of information do I need to supply?
Your business name, business address, contact information and details about your business. You will be asked whether your business is women or minority owned, and if you are also state certified.

Home  >   Businesses  >   Business Directory
Le Center Business Directory
Doing business in the City of Le Center? Add your business to the City's Online Business Directory (OBD). The City or contractors seeking partners/teams use this directory when seeking companies for work. Also, the City uses this list to distribute news about City business.

Frequent Questions

What does it mean to register with the City?
It is a simple process where you provide us basic information about your company. After we verify the information provided, we include it into the City's OBD.

What kind of information do I need to supply?
Your business name, business address, contact information and details about your business. You will be asked whether your business is women or minority owned, and if you are also state certified.